C’est pas ce que tu crois

C’est pas ce que tu crois

J’aime m’asseoir derrière le rebord de la fenêtre de la chambre qui donne sur leur nouveau porche pour les épier à mon aise. Pete, le mari de ma voisine Beth, se vante de l’avoir construit en deux jours. Ça me paraît exagéré…

Lire la suite
Dominique Falkner


These days, I wake up at all hours of the night, as if jolted out of sleep by some powerful force, suddenly wide awake in the darkness of the bedroom, heart racing in the chest…

Lire la suite
Dominique Falkner
Saying goodbye

Saying goodbye

Three moves is as good as a fire, I say packing up and already feeling the torque of my upcoming accelerated life coming up hard against every good reason not to go.

Lire la suite
Dominique Falkner


With dawn comes the din and myriad smells of warm chapatti, fried kofta, fresh paneer, fouled latrines and scorched pavement over the sizzling hot griddles and electrically amplified voice of the muezzin

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Dominique Falkner